Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an important component in sustainable procurement strategies. With the rise in popularity, it is gaining the potential to be industry standard for building projects. By taking the digital design data to a new level, BIM promotes better integration and optimum use of resources for the sustainability in all aspects of construction. This is being experienced by more developed countries, which have gained benefits after successfully implementing BIM. Although BIM has not yet been implemented in Sri Lankan building industry, it is likely to be an option for consideration in the near future. 

Building Information Modelling (BIM), a revolutionary concept in the construction industry, produces an object-oriented, intelligent and parametric digital representation of the construction facility, which requires a collaborative participation of members of the design team members. These emphasize that BIM has characteristics of sustainable procurement strategies. Open BIM standards developed by buildingSMART International, are the most popular data standards for BIM to share digital construction information within the design team and beyond throughout the life cycle of the project. Other proprietary BIM standards are also extensively used, but they often have limitations on sharing information across all stakeholders. 

The shift from traditional procurement systems, towards more collaborative procurement systems which are backed-up with information and communicat ion technology (ICT), is becoming the new trend in the present day construction industry around the world. Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) are the two most emerging and widely used systems to achieve this shift. These concepts are likely to be the new industry standard in the near future due to their collaborative nature, ability to implement sustainable procurement strategies, risk and reward sharing basis and high efficiency of construction by promoting dry construction. 

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is relatively a new buzzword in the Construction Industry; however BIM is not yet practiced in Sri Lankan construction industry and not many in the industry know about it. BIM is now becoming popular and likely to be industry standard for project design and hence a key tool in project procurement in future. Integration of BIM into project development life cycle would create deviations in traditional parameters of procurement systems. As a result, a construction industry in which building procurement is based on BIM is thought to be quite different from the today’s systems.

The growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) opens new opportunities for businesses all over the world which accelerates the competition among the businesses and professions. Even though good communication is an essential tool for procurement and consultation process, the usage of IT in public procurement in Sri Lankan construction industry is not as much of other sectors, while other developed and developing countries are practicing and gaining advantages. However, adopting e-Tendering in precontract stage, yields several benefits which can be experienced directly and indirectly. 

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is rapidly gaining acceptance of building industries internationally, and is likely to become the primary industry standard for AEC information exchange in near future. The built-in intelligence of BIM offers the highest potentials for adopting lean approaches for project delivery, and minimizing of risks and uncertainties; enabling highly sustainable procurement systems for the building industry. While it is accepted that BIM is in its infant stage in Sri Lanka and BIM technologies are rarely present, adoption of BIM has been identified to be timely. Use of inappropriate BIM adoption strategies would waste valuable resources and time. 

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